So you always wanted to be a BBQ judge. Well now is your chance as Deaths Door BBQ and KCBS will hold a certified judging class Sunday August 25th, 2024 at the Airport on Washington Island WI. The class is the day after Day Two of Deaths Door BBQ. The four hour class will start at 10am and end around 2pm. Sign in will be at 9:30 am. The class will be taught be veteran KCBS judging instructors Bill and Debby Gage.
The complete judging process will be presented including; types of meat, judging process, rules, duties and judging criteria. After the entire process is explained, students will get to judge all the meats as in a real contest. Students will judge chicken, ribs, pork and brisket. They will see how the meat is turned in by the teams and what happens before it gets to the judging table. Once the entries get to the table the Table Captain will start the judging process by showing the meat to the students. They will judge each entry on Appearance, Taste and Tenderness. Students will use official judging slips and judging plates.
After each meat is judged, the class will discuss each entry. Before the class ends the instructors will answer any and all questions the students have. Following the class there will be a Kid’s Que turn in that some of the class will be able to judge. This would be their first real event. This is the only scheduled KCBS Judging Class in Wisconsin this year. Class size is limited so sign up before the class is filled. After completion of the class judges will be able to apply for any KCBS Contest in the world. For more information and to SIGN UP ONLINE HERE or download a registration form on our REGSTRATION PAGE..